Water that be used in life, manufacturing and Industrial circles; and returned to primary source didn’t have same quality characteristics primary raw water; but it is fluid that in addition to formation of usage water, including materials that be used in daily life and wastewater that brought from Industrial activity; had Chemical and Biological combinations that be used in Industrial.
In current universal Standards, operation treatment on wastewater rest has been classification on distinguish three groups to base act are similar to under chart:
Primary Treatment
Secondary Treatment
Final Treatment

Main Classification Methods Wastewater Treatment |
- Screening
- Grit Removal
- Equalization & Pumping Station
- Floatation
- Primary Sedimentation
Executive Stage of Wastewater Treatment |
Main Classification Methods Wastewater Treatment
Type of Usual Physical Treatment Methods
- Screening
- Grit Removal
- Equalization & Pumping Station
- Floatation
- Primary Sedimentation
Executive Stage of Wastewater Treatment
- Primary studies and analyses quality & quantity of wastewater
- Pedology and Topography studies
- Choice & determining the best wastewater treatment method with the justification reasons or by virtue of universal valid sources
- Performance of accounts environment engineer and basic design account
- Account of factor, structure and mechanical
- Executive and control building operation
- Making and erection of mechanical and electro-mechanical equipment
- Starter & exploitation and good outer acquisition from treatment system
- Performance water & wastewater experiments (in modern laboratory Colorab Company)
- Guidance, exploitation and presentation of keeping service from treatment rest