
Usage Case

Anti septiced water, air, fluid, protection of herbivorous animals and birds, wastewater, small pool for growth marines, food, materials, pharmaceutics, medical, milk Industries, agricultural, soft drinks and packing, ….

Rate of Rays Require

The rate prescription of UV light is measured on unit (MWS/CM2).

As much as rate of power, radiation time and radiation surface of this light be increased so the power of action be increased.

Approximate rate prescription UV light is for destroy microscopic creatures that are under:

A) Bacteriums 26400-25000 unit (MWS/CM2)

B) Yeats 17600-6600 unit (MWS/CM2)

C) Algeas 330000-1100 unit (MWS/CM2)

D) Virus 22000-2500 unit (MWS/CM2)

    For provisions public medical official America, the rate prescription of UV light that is require for drinking water 6000 unit; this rate is base of International universal (general) standard.

Usage UV lamps capable that produce light to power 36000 unit that more than two equals rate be prescript of public medical official America.

For air area that turning (moving) and it is 40m/h anti septic zing capacity for every lamp

For water area that turning (moving) and it is by 5m3/h anti septic zing

Capacity for every lamp

Therefore, we could choice rate of lamps to point of require capacity

Recommendable Models

 – For air space on the little pool and water channels one lamp, two lamps with steel body, Izoleh trance without wink

 – For reposing on internal water and fluid (limped, semi-limped), floating, one lamp, two lamps with Green body, Izo  leh  trance, without wink

 – Optional possibilities: Turn on Alarm machine, Weekly timer and 24 hours, Safety photocell for turn on machine at night  and effect on UV light darkness on some of microscopic creatures.