Usage Case |
– Industrial Water Treatment
For the reason of existence different of Deaerator type, only we express type of Deaerator that Colorab Company produce.
Type of Deaerator:
- – Feed one neutral gas in process and deleting on bother gas
- – Making Vacuum
- – Increasing Heat Energy and Substitute Thermal Deaerator
Technique Specification of Dearator:
Deaerator machine that Colorab Company produce be equipped to under equipment:
Vacuum and Pressure control system | Distributor water lows for purpose of increasing surface of touch |
Feed steam control systems | Tower& Pipes guided steam to be made of S.ST |
Optic control systems | Increasing the temperature of water to the boiling point part |
Nonconductor coat for purpose of decreasing Heat Energy | Making Torbolant part |
Internal & External coat machine by use of ant moisture colors | Heat control system |
Surface water control system |